John Kirby Tel:01480 810049
The Offord PlayerS (TOPS)
Your local drama society.
We started in 1996 (or thereabouts) and have since then presented over fifty shows – mostly of a comedic nature. We try and produce two shows a year and our normal venue is Offord Village Hall, although we have performed in St Peter’s Church, in the school grounds, and on the Millennium Green. And on a couple of occasions we have ventured as far as The Bell in Great Paxton.
We are a small, friendly group drawn mainly from the village and local area and are always on the lookout for new talent in all departments, from backstage to front of house and everything in between (including treading the boards of course). There are lots of opportunities for anyone with an interest in drama, theatre and the creative arts to develop and apply new skills. And you’ll have fun and make new friends.
For more information call John on 01480 810049 or check out our website
Great Drama
Great Crowds
Great Fun
Come and join us!”