
Crafting Bells

Category: Clubs

Your chance to be part of Great Paxton’s History

You may have seen that our village craft group ‘The Crafting Bells’ are to undertake a project to create 1 metre long seat pads to help make the church a more comfortable space to use for both the current and future congregations as well as for the ongoing events that will take place in Holy Trinity to offer you entertainment on your doorstep.  The tapestry cushions, with beautifully crafted designs, will cost around £3,500.

They will make the historic 15th century oak pew benches in Great Paxton Church a lot more comfortable and warmer to sit on. To cover some of the costs we have applied for a Big Lottery small project award fund.

The offer to you

We would like to invite villagers to sponsor a cushion to commemorate either a special event in yours or your family’s life. This could be a special anniversary, a graduation, a wedding, christening or something you think is special in the village perhaps.  The quality of the cushions will ensure that you have your place in history within the church for up to and possibly more than 50 years.  Whilst you would be made very welcome, you don’t have to be a regular churchgoer to take part in this.  Others will benefit and you will too if you are attending an event in the church in the future.  We also invite all of our village clubs and groups to sponsor a cushion.

The cost to you

We have costed out a price for the materials for each of the 40 cushions. They will be 1 mtr long by 40cms deep and 2.5cm thick, using British wool and filled with high grade premium foam for comfort.  The charge to you would be £75 for the materials only and the design will be done by Ann Nicholson who will work with you to create your design. All the time taken to create the cushions will be given freely by the group or you might like to create your own cushion.

Anyone is welcome to join the group which will meet from 7pm until 9pm on every 4th Monday evening of the month at The Bell.

  • Call Diane James on 07522 449535

for a chat about sponsoring a tapestry pew seat pad or if you’d like further information.

Alternatively, email your interest to