
London Luton Airport: Results of First Consultation & Next Steps

Between October 2020 and February 2021, London Luton Airport and air traffic control provider NATS, as co-sponsors, consulted on two options to simplify and modernise the arrival routes for flights into Luton and segregate them from Stansted’s, ensuring safety.

More than 2,400 people and organisations responded to the consultation and feedback from the consultation has now been collated, categorised and reviewed to help inform the final design.   A  Step 3D Feedback Report has now been published which includes full details of how the responses have been categorised and themed, which themes may affect the final proposal and which ones won’t, and why. This can be viewed and downloaded from the CAA’s Airspace Change Portal here.

The next step, 4A, is to complete a final design report, that uses this feedback to address the main points, followed by a full options appraisal.  These three steps – the consultation, feedback report and final options appraisal – will complete Stage 4A of CAP1616, the “we asked, you said, we did” stages of the consultation process. Following that, the final design proposal should be delivered to the CAA later this month (June 2021).

Subject to CAA regulatory approval, the proposal is planned for implementation no earlier than February 2022.