Cambs Acre...
Walking in Cambridgeshire
Are you fed-up with doing the same old walks? Walking in Cambridgeshire is the website...
Floating Penny Wort Alert
22031_Pennywort poster...
Support For New PAXTON Bridge
Would you like to see a bridge reinstated over the River Ouse? Many years ago, there used to be a chain link bridge over the River Ouse called the Wrey Ferry. Children from Little Paxton would...
Tackling Food Waste
The District Council is beginning a new campaign to specifically tackle food waste. During the lockdown period residents across the country reduced the amount of food they wasted. However, as...
Library At Home Service
St Neots Museum
Just a reminder that, when it re opens to the public, entry to St Neots Museum is free for visitors from Great Paxton. In the meantime, the museum has been posting videos for children...
An Alternative View of a Persistent Problem
CONTRIBUTION FROM A CONCERNED RESIDENT LET’S CLEAN UP OUR ACT The purpose of this ditty Is to say – it’s such a pity We let litter and poo bags despoil our ground. It...
Firstly, the Parish Council offers its sincere apologies to all residents for the current problems with regard to emptying of the Dog Bins around the village. The Parish Council is working hard...
Mobile Post Office Service: EVERY TUESDAY 2-4PM
Please support your mobile post office service. This visits Great Paxton every Tuesday afternoon between 2-4pm. You can see from the following timetable how lucky we are to have it. Post...